Kimono rental in Kyoto: Kimono Rental ‘Yume Kyoto’ Kodaiji Store near Kiyomizu Temple.

Kyoto Kimono Rental Yume Kyoto Kodaiji Store > Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ & A

Rental Kimono Dressing

Is there anything I need to bring on the day?
There is nothing you need to bring on the day of the rental.
Innerwear, nagajuban (undergarment), tabi (socks), zori (Japanese sandals), bags, etc. are all provided. Of course, everything is included in the fee, so there is no additional charge.
Is it possible to change the plan on the day of the tour?
Yes, you can change your plan on the day of the tour.

About Hair Set, Hairdressing

Do you have hair ornaments?
We will rent a hair accessory free of charge for those who will have their hair set.
I don’t know what kind of hairstyle is best for me…
We have a catalog of hairstyles that suit kimonos for sightseeing guests. If you are not sure, please ask our staff for advice.

About Storage and Return

Can you keep my luggage?
We will keep all of your luggage, including your travel bags and souvenirs, free of charge.