Kimono rental in Kyoto: Kimono Rental ‘Yume Kyoto’ Kodaiji Store near Kiyomizu Temple.

Kyoto Kimono Rental Yume Kyoto Kodaiji Store > Tea Ceremony Plan


We have prepared a Kimono Set Plan for our customers!
Please enjoy your tea ceremony experience in kimono!

【Please make your own reservations for the tea ceremony experience separately.】

Please make a reservation through Nagomi's website (reservation button below).


Flow of Experience

Visit Kimono Rental Yume Kyoto Kōdai-ji Store
・Please come at your reserved time.
・We have everything you need for the kimono experience and tea ceremony experience.
・Please come empty-handed.
Choose a kimono and change into it♪
・Choose your favorite kimono from a wide variety of colors and patterns.
・Our experienced professional dressers will dress you beautifully and carefully.
・Leave the cute hairstyle that matches your kimono look to us.
・From the time of your visit to departure, we guide you in about 30-45 minutes.
・Hair setting +1,100 yen
・Nagoya obi +1,100 yen
※ Please inform the staff on the day
Time for the tea ceremony experience!
・It is a 1-minute walk from Yume Kyoto Kōdaiji Shop to Nagomi Ni-nen-zaka Shop.
・The tea ceremony experience takes about 45 minutes.
・We have staff who can speak English, so foreign visitors can feel at ease and enjoy the experience.
After the tea ceremony experience...
・After the experience, you are free to explore Kyoto as you are!
・Please return to Yume Kyoto Kōdaiji Shop by 17:30.

From Yume Kyoto Kōdaiji Shop to
Nagomi Ni-nenzaka Shop

Kimono + Tea Ceremony
Set Plan Reservation Here


Customers who use the Kimono + Tea Ceremony experience set plan should make a reservation from Nagomi's website (using the reservation button above).